Years Fly By Quickly

It’s been years since I last posted.

Lots has changed, since the pandemic.

Time feels more abstract.

Life appears more mundane, as time goes by.

The eagerness to self-improve, slowly fades as comfort settles in.

Small goals seem more reliable than long term goals.

Visions of the future are simply visions of the present with less expectations.

Life has changed, but my mindset is the same.


This is not the end of my story, just yet.

3 thoughts on “Years Fly By Quickly

  1. I can relate to a lot of this. As I get older I find myself not aspiring to achieve as much as I used to when I was younger. It’s easier to just go to work and then relax after work and repeat the process until the weekend. The only long term goal I really have right now is to save up to buy a house. I see the same sort of thing in a lot of my friends. It’s like we’ve gotten tired and don’t want to push ourselves as hard as we used to when we were teens nor do we dream as big as we used to back then. The pandemic probably sped up this process as well.

    Anyway, good to have you back sir. Hope to see more from you soon!

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